When I first opened this store there were two things that I wanted it to be when it came to the products themselves, made in USA and no plastic fibers like polyester. Unfortunately, the printer I use has over 90 clothing options but once I filter out for Made in the USA and 100% cotton, it gets reduced to just one t-shirt. So in order to offer more options, hats, crop tops, long sleeves, etc, I opened a separate Etsy store to offer these options and keep this store elusively Made in the USA. After doing that for some time and linking to Etsy products on this site, I found the user experience too convoluted. So after some thought I dropped the Made in USA exclusivity. I will continue to offer and create new products that are Made in USA and there’s now Made in USA collection where these will featured.
Having more products on the site without linking to Etsy should make things easier and now you have more options like hats. It will also allow me to have cheaper shirt options in the future but if you want to support Made in the USA, those options will still be available.