We believe (and by we, I mean I. This is a one man operation after all, unless you count the printing company) that art can make the world a better place … that said, Hitler was artist. You know what, never mind the inspirational ABOUT page. After more than decade of freelancing and doing work for other people I decided to try and sell my own work. I will still be freelancing at www.kennyvelez.com but this will be my main focus for the time being. My goal is primarily to sell new and original artwork apparel. Everything on here will have a touch of me in it and I hope you like it as well. Apparel is printed on demand by Printful when you order.
Our…there I go again, My shirts are made out of 100% cotton. In an effort to not contribute to the microfiber problem there are no blended polyester shirts.
I still have memories of my mom making clothes, back when there was more manufacturing in this country. To help those few who still remain we have a collection of Made in USA products.
UPDATE (5/24/2023): Our supplier, has discontinued its Made in the USA shirts so unless they start suppling new ones, there will unfortunately no longer be any more.

Until I change my mind the artwork for these shirts are original. Most are made by hand with ink and watercolor then scanned and touched up digitally before being sent to the printer. Designs like the Ma Squirrel line are completely digital. Some old fans of my work will feel betrayed by the lack of my older works but I hope you’ll enjoy what I’m putting out now. You can see the process below